Calling businesses and community groups to join Match My Project
Match My Project is an online platform where businesses can donate items needed by community groups.
We are pleased to announce that Match My Project is launching with Hackney Giving on Thursday 28 November 2024.
Match My Project is an online matchmaking platform that facilitates collaboration between suppliers and community organisations.
The Match My Project team has been working with Hackney Giving and its stakeholders over the last few months, with the concerted aim to channel resources towards community projects to deliver Social Value outcomes relevant to the needs of Hackney’s local communities and environment.
Using Match My Project creates many benefits for Hackney’s stakeholders, including, but not limited to:
Please join us on the 28 November to hear Dan Ebanks, Zahra Shah and the Hackney Giving team introduce the platform.
You will also hear from several Hackney businesses and community organisations already making an impact using the Match My Project platform.
Thursday 28 November at Hackney CVS, 24-30 Dalston Lane, E8 3AZ
Contact: tamara@hackneygiving.org.uk
Match My Project is an online platform where businesses can donate items needed by community groups.
New scheme supports community groups with resources from businesses. Last week, Hackney Giving launched a collaboration with Match My Project – and we are inviting community groups and businesses to join the platform.
Hackney Giving video premiered at event. Watch the video to find out more about the value of the not-for-profit sector.