Working for a fairer society

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Hackney Giving is a simple, coordinated way to give funding, time or skills to help local not-for-profit organisations support communities in the borough. The programme is part of Hackney CVS, an organisation that has been championing charities locally since 1997.

Celebrating International Women's Day in Hackney

Sarah Watson, Programme Manager at Hackney Giving, gave a thought-provoking presentation at a recent International Women’s Day event. The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 was ‘Inspire Inclusion.’ 


Number of grants given


Total value


Number of VCS groups funded

Footprints icon


KM travelled by sponsored sportspeople


Impact in the local community

Since April 2020, Hackney Giving has funded 147 community organisations in Hackney and the City of London, via 293 grants, worth more than £2.3 million. We have distributed funds from businesses, individuals and the public sector.

The programme has a positive impact locally, bringing benefits to communities across Hackney and the City of London.

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