Cost of Living funding programme is now open
Hackney Giving’s Cost of Living funding programme is now open.
Hackney Giving’s Cost of Living funding programme is now open.
Start for Life grants scheme is now open to applications. Hackney Giving is inviting not-for-profit organisations to apply for our new Start for Life funding.
Sarah’s top tips for funding applications. Sarah Watson, Hackney Giving’s Development and Programme Manager, shares her tips on what to do when applying for Hackney Giving funding.
Reducing isolation through street parties
Match My Project is an online platform where businesses can donate items needed by community groups.
New scheme supports community groups with resources from businesses. Last week, Hackney Giving launched a collaboration with Match My Project – and we are inviting community groups and businesses to join the platform.
Hackney Giving video premiered at event. Watch the video to find out more about the value of the not-for-profit sector.